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CH-17 Economic Problems and Challenges: Poverty and Unemployment

Short Question

Q 1. Explain relative poverty of absolute poor.

ANS: Those persons in the developing countries who are unable to fulfil the basic necessities are called absolute poor and that condition is known as absolute poverty. The society in developed countries have different classes. These is a wide disparity in the income of these classes. There are families whose income and standard of living is inferior than the families of well-off classes. These families are considered to be relatively poor. This situation of comparative riches is described as relative poverty.

Q 2. Explain Agro-Business Policy.

ANS: The government of Gujarat has declared Agro-Business Policy-2016. It proposes to provide employment to 10 lakh people by setting up agro-processing units in the State. It also proposes to export processed agro products which will generate sufficient income and reduce poverty.

Q 3. Classify MANREGA programme.

ANS: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee ACT (MGNREGA) is a wage-based employed programme. One person from every family is guaranteed wage employment for minimum 100 days in the financial year. The daily wages are fixed by the government and if it fails to provide work, unemployment allowance is paid. Rural Development activities such as horticulture, land levelling, tree plantation, water conservation, cleaning of canals, etc are undertaken.

Q 4. What is industrial unemployment?

ANS: Industrial unemployment is the result of conflicts between the employers and employees, leading to strikes, lockouts and closure of industry.

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